Nortek Aquadopp 6000m new1
Aquadopp6000 2
Aquadopp6000 3
Nortek Aquadopp 6000m new1
Aquadopp6000 2
Aquadopp6000 3



6000 m, Generation 2

High-performance full ocean depth, single-point current meter with titanium housing

  • Single-point current meter
  • Titanium housing for long-term deployments at full ocean depth
  • Ideal for deep water moorings


With all the robust and easy-to-use features and capabilities of the standard Aquadopp, the deepwater Aquadopp 6000 m current meter has been used and proven by oceanographers around the world for almost 20 years. Thanks to innovative data diagnostic features for challenging environments, it provides exceptionally high-quality 3D currents in a form factor that is easy to install in any type of mooring line configuration, or simply attached to a bottom or surface platform.

The 6000 m Aquadopp now offers 6% broadband measurements and “hibernation mode” between measurements, enabling precise data collection with lower power consumption. The upgraded deepwater Aquadopp design also offers increased internal battery storage, extending potential deployment duration.

See the details of the Generation 2 Aquadopp updates in the release notes here.
  • Currents


  • Single-point current meter
  • Titanium housing for long-term deployments at full ocean depth
  • Ideal for deep water moorings
  • LED blinks when pinging for peace of mind during deployment


  • Studies of deep-water currents
  • Attached to mooring lines
  • Combined with riser monitoring systems
  • Near-bed current measurements from landers


Nortek deployment software allows users to customize their 600m Aquadopp deployment in a straightforward manner, providing guidance on deployment schemes, battery power and required internal memory.


The 6000m Aquadopp is the ideal current meter for deep-water moorings. The instrument is capable of very long-term, unsupported deployments thanks to its low power consumption, internal data collection and ability to run entirely on internal battery power.


Nortek postprocessing software and/or display software is available for review, visualization, and processing of data, after deployment or in real time.

Download PDF

Cell size

0.75 m

Maximum number of cells


Blanking distance

0.1-5.0 m (user-selectable)

Velocity range

±1 m/s, ±2.5 m/s, ±5 m/s

Velocity range (horizontal)

±2.3 m/s, ±5.75 m/s, ±11.5 m/s


±1% of measured value ±0.5 cm/s

Horizontal velocity precision (consult instrument SW)

Typ. 1 cm/s

Maximum sampling rate (output)

1 Hz


Same as velocity


0.5 dB

Dynamic range

90 dB

Transducer acoustic frequency

2 MHz

Number of beams

3 (see GA drawing for angles)

Beam width

0.85° (1.7° total)


Temp. range

-4 to +40 °C

Temp. accuracy/resolution

0.1 °C/0.01 °C

Temp. time response

<1 min


Solid state magnetometer


<2° for tilt < 30° / 0.01°


Solid state accelerometer


0.2° for tilt < 30° / 0.01°

Maximum tilt

Full 3D

Up or Down

Automatic detect




6000 m


0.5% FS / 0.005% of full scale

No. of channels


Digital input format

MicroCat CTD


16 GB


±1 min/year

Backup in absence of power

4 weeks


RS-422 (inquire for RS-232)

Communication baud rate

9600 Baud- 1.2 Mbaud (default 115200 Baud)

User control

Nortek Deployment Software or direct ASCII commands, with binary or ASCII data output

Operating system

Cross platform


Deployment planning, instrument configuration, data retrieval and conversion. Online data display.

DC input

9-24 VDC

Absolut maximum DC input

26 VDC

Maximum peak current

4.5 A

Power consumption

Consult Nortek Deployment Software

Sleep current

< 40 uA

Transmit power


Internal battery capacity

1-3 x 50 Wh (Alkaline); 2-3 x 165 Wh (Lithium); 1-3 x 76 Wh (Li-ion)

Battery weight

430g per 50 Wh (Alkaline); 380g per 165 Wh (Lithium); 300g per 76 Wh (Li-ion)

Operating temperature

-5 to +40 °C

Storage temperature

-20 to +60 °C

Shock and vibration

Shock: IEC 60068-2-27, Vibration: IEC 60068-2-64


EN IEC 61000-6-2:2019, EN IEC 61000-6-4:2019

Depth rating


Bulkhead (Impulse)

MCBH-8-FS titanium


PMCIL-8-MP on 5m (default) polyurethane cable

Standard model

Titanium Gr. 5, POM, Naval Brass, epoxy

Maximum housing diameter

84 mm

Maximum length

623 mm

Weight in air (without batteries)

7600 g

Weight in water (without batteries)

4350 g


Deep water, 2Mhz, Vertical orientation, Current meter

Aquadopp Deep Water Current Meter 2MHz D2VC
Paradopp 6000m 4-battery canister, GA - NGA011-024 Rev.-

Declaration of conformity

Aquadopp, 6000 m depth rating

Pressure sensor 0-6000 m (6000-m system)

5m PMCIL-8-MP Serial cable for Aquadopp 2

10m PMCIL-8-MP Serial cable for Aquadopp 2

20m PMCIL-8-MP Serial cable for Aquadopp 2

30m PMCIL-8-MP Serial cable for Aquadopp 2

40m PMCIL-8-MP Serial cable for Aquadopp 2

50m PMCIL-8-MP Serial cable for Aquadopp 2

New features, fixes and functionality

The standard deployment software for Nortek Aquadopp, Aquadopp Profiler and AWAC instruments purchased after October 2023.

The software can be launched from your web browser, installed from Microsoft Store or downloaded as an offline installer file.

Post-processing software for Aquadopp Generation 2, AWAC Generation 2, and Signature series instruments.

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