Coastal engineering
From construction of coastal protection structures to safe operation of ports and harbors, coastal engineers require knowledge of the physical processes taking place in the marine environment to prevent damage to infrastructure.

Protecting coastal communities requires understanding of dynamic coastal interactions.
Ports and harbors
Safely directing ship traffic in busy ports and harbors often requires real-time, highly accurate knowledge of current speeds and wave parameters. Our ADCPs provide this real-time data, including operational wave information, thanks to on-board wave processing, through a variety of telemetry options.
Knowledge of the current speed and direction when dredging is useful for tracking sediment transport from dredge plumes. ADCPs mounted on vessels enable broad-scale measurements across the entire operational area. Our Signature VM system offers a combined ADCP and echosounder for more comprehensive sediment transport estimates.
Coastal protection
In-situ measurements of the current and wave climate in coastal environments is critical to operational planning and safety. Numerical models often require validation from oceanographic measurements to determine optimal locations of seawalls and other protective structures.