RoboSub team
Company & product news
7 minutes

All-female robotics team takes home first place at RoboSub with a Nortek DVL1000 on their vehicle

The all-women Desert WAVE team won this year’s RoboSub Competition with their robot team of Dragon and Baby Dragon. The robots worked together to perform a series of tasks in the competition. Dragon was equipped with a DVL1000 which guided the robot to each task location during the competition.

Interns 2024
Company & product news
6 minutes

Nortek welcomed five interns for the summer of 2024

Five interns joined Nortek this summer to gain valuable experience in the ocean technology industry. Two of the interns worked at our HQ in Rud outside of Oslo, while three others worked with our team in Trondheim.

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Company & product news
2 minutes

Nortek strengthens Latin America presence with new Business Development Manager

Nortek has hired Alex Lobos as a Business Development Manager in Chile, strengthening Nortek’s presence in the Latin America region

Brazil 3
Company & product news
6 minutes

Highlights: Nortek events from the first half of 2024

In the first half of this year, Nortek hosted over a dozen Nortek Days and Navigation Days, bringing together hundreds of oceanographers, marine roboticists, engineers and more from around the globe.

Full team Brazil cleanup arms up
Company & product news
4 minutes

Nortek Brazil cleans up 240 kg of trash from beach near their office

As part of their environmental and sustainability goals for 2024, Nortek Brazil worked together with local organizations to clean up a beach in Florianópolis.

Nortek AWAC deployment
Company & product news
7 minutes

Introducing: future-proof ADCP technology from Nortek

Nortek is pleased to announce the launch of our upgraded Aquadopp and AWAC range of ADCPs. The latest versions of these instruments build on already existing capabilities loved by users for decades, and offer sleek user-friendly design, enhanced performance and future-proof internal components.

Cleanup Sandvika 2023 team
Company & product news
5 minutes

Second annual Nortek beach cleanup gathers 650 kg of trash from Sandvika river

This September, Nortek employees held their second annual underwater cleanup, this time removing litter from where a river meets the fjord in Sandvika, near Nortek’s HQ in Norway. With the help of local diver’s club Vollen Dykkeklubb and the Nortek boat, they successfully removed over 650 kg of trash from local waters.

Nucleus INS monitor
Company & product news
3 minutes

Integrated INS on Nucleus 1000 for full navigation capabilities on small subsea vehicles

The Nucleus 1000 navigation sensor suite is now available with full INS (inertial navigation system) capabilities, enabling absolute position outputs obtained using the Nucleus’s on-board inertial and acoustic sensor package.

Vessel Mounted
Company & product news
6 minutes

Nortek Netherlands is hiring!

As our Netherlands office continues to grow and develop new and innovative vessel-mounted current measurement systems, it is seeking a Software Engineer, Support Engineer and Sales Engineer.

DVL Unexmin banner
Company & product news
2 minutes

Updates to the Nortek DVL product line

You asked, we listened. Nortek is pleased to update you on the recent upgrades to our DVL range to ensure that we meet your needs in the best way possible. The following list provides an overview of the new features available with a spotlight on our DVL500 Compact.

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Company & product news
2 minutes

Now available: Responsible Business Conduct statement

A full report describing our business conduct assessments is now available.

Company & product news
6 minutes

Using Echoview software with Signature ADCPs to get the most out of echosounder data

Some of Nortek’s Signature ADCPs offer an optional echosounder mode, allowing users to gather simultaneous current profiles and echosounder datasets. Visualization and processing of this echosounder data enables users to collect information about biomass, sediment or other objects in the water column. Find out how a partnership between hydroacoustic data specialists Echoview Software and Nortek makes quality data collection and visualization possible.


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